White Label service for MetaTrader 4 Mobile terminal
ID 80
Category: Services - MetaTrader 4
Creation of White Label MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal from LiteForex
Speculative on-line Forex trading carried by virtue of the trading terminal, which is geared towards the functional of a mobile phone (smartphone, PDA), is a very topical and promising subject. There is no doubt that MetaTrader 4 (MT4) gains the greatest popularity among the Forex stock jobbers who prefer to work on the currency market via the mobile phone or the similar devices. This approach to jobbing implementation on Forex via the Internet is developed to make the on-line currency trading convenient and optionally intensive to the greatest possible extent.
It should be mentioned that the modern terminal, which are oriented to the mobile phones and the similar devices, are highly competitive with the traditional and well-known versions developed for personal computers.
MT4 terminal designed for the Forex trading via the mobile phone allows completing those processes successfully which represent the fundamental nature of the currency speculations carried out via the Internet. Indeed, the Forex trading via the mobile phone by virtue of MT4 assumes a standard and quite useful functional, which is necessary to carry out the graphical and indicating market analysis, for displaying the information on the currency market situation in graphical form and implementing all the possible merchandise transactions due to the updating of appropriate trading orders.
The tendency to adapt MT4 to the software environment of mobile phones and other similar devices is certainly determined by popularization and all-round availability of the wireless Internet in its various manifestations. For example, there is very popular so-called «mobile Internet» which is provided by the mobile operators competing with each other. The Internet generated via the wireless networks of Wi-Fi category is spreading greatly. Undoubtedly, all this contributes to the promotion of appropriate devices which allow using the generally available wireless Internet almost freely.
The «mobile» adaptation of the well-proven MT4 terminal opens great possibilities for the full management of stock jobber`s trading accounts, the trading on Forex anywhere in the world with an opportunity of moving in space. The operational market analysis can be carries out with the help of 30 technical indicators. MT4 terminal for the mobile phone supports the use of all the types of trading orders, the trader notification function, the news broadcast and the VGA mode.
The main or additional White Label mobile platform from LiteForex broker allows purchasing the general license for all MetaTrader 4 mobile platforms (for the devices on the base of iOS, Android OS and Windows Mobile OS). According to the policy of mobile platforms/stores owners prohibiting publication of program copies under the different names, the design of these trading platforms cannot be changed. The purchase of WhiteLabel license will allow any traders to connect to your trading servers with the help of smartphones and tablet computers.
The service is provided without the initial payment followed by a monthly fee of 900$ for the technical support.
When purchasing the MT4 mobile terminal from LiteForex, you receive an opportunity to allow your traders to trade on 5 MetaTrder 4 servers, including Demo-server, server with classical conditions, server with cent accounts, server without dealing and overlap.