ID 25
Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
Release date: 2012-01-01
Developer: ITTrendex, LLC
MetaTrader 4 plugin to duplicate transactions from one MT4 server to another MT4 server one to one
The system of accounts coverage consist of two plugins: plugin for the client's server and plugin for the main trading server. On the MetaTrader 4 trading server (Client's Server) where the client's account placed that you want to cover, you install the plugin named BridgeClient. Also you install BridgeSrv plugin on the main trading server which will receive trading orders from Client's server. You can cover any accounts or groups of accounts or specific accounts depending on the settings of BridgeClient plugin.
This system allows to transfer orders from Client's trading server to Main trading server with the same parameters as they were opened on Client's server. BridgeSrv plugin should be configured on Main server which allows you filter commands from the Client's server.
Settings of BridgeClient:
AllowDeletePendingRequests – the flag of processing of pending order's requests removal. If 1 then processing is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
AllowGroupSpreadDiff – the flag of usage Group's spread. If 1 then usage enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
AllowModifyRequests – the flag of resolution of processing of requests for modification of orders. If 1 then processing is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
AllowPendingOrders – the flag of processing of requests for the creation of pending orders. If 1 then processing is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
Dealer – dealer login to process requests. It should be a manager with appropriate permissions.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 995 |
DetectDealerCloseByLogs – the flag of processing closing orders by manager according to server logs. If 1 then processing is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
DefaultMarkup – local markup. The number or pips on which the LP's spread should be changed. If 0 then LP's quotes will be equal to Client's quotes in trading terminal. It's allowed to configure markups for each trading symbol in BridgeClient.markups.ini file which should be placed to plugins folder of MetaTrader 4 server. One symbol on the line as follows:
The price for client will be worsen on the certain number of pips.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 2 |
Filter_Group – the filter of accounts by groups which should be processed. Plugin will process the accounts only from these groups configured in this setting.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | !* (all groups are not allowed for processing) |
Example value: | ,GROUP-1,GROUP-2,GROUP-3*, |
Filter_Login – the list of accounts which should be processed. If empty then all accounts will be processed accordingly to other settings.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Example value: | 12345,122222,454545 |
Filter_Symbol – the filtration of requests handled by the symbol (default is a complete ban).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | !* (it's not allowed to process any symbols) |
Example value: | ,EUR*,USD*,AUDCAD,#*, |
Filter_TickSymbol – the filtration of incoming quotes for throwing prices by local symbol.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | !* (the filtration of ticks is not allowed for all symbol) |
Example value: | ,USD*,#*, |
Filter_ZeroSpreadSymbol – the filtration of symbols with zero spread. Setting specifies the symbols, which are transmitted with a zero spread.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | !* (it's not allowed to process any symbols with zero spread) |
Example value: | ,*USD*, |
FilterSkip_Login – the list of accounts which should be skipped. If empty then all accounts will be processed accordingly to other settings.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Example value: | 12344,122112,42245 |
InvertOrders – the flag of inversion of the direction of orders which were sent to the bridge. If 0 then inversion is turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LiquidityProviderClientName – login for check the connections to the bridge. The value should be equal to Login in server plugin BridgeSrv.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Example value: | TESTLOGIN123 |
LiquidityProviderPassword – password for check the connections to the bridge. The value should be equal to Password in server plugin BridgeSrv.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | password |
Example value: | TESTPASS123 |
LiquidityProviderServer – server and the port on which the bridge works (format IP_Address:port).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Example value: | |
LogCommunicationStats – the flag of activation of logging of querying the server side and get answers. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LoggingMode (JL) – the flag of activation of logging. If empty the logging is turned off. If J then log will be written into MT4 server log. If L then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | J |
Example value: | JL |
LogOuterOrderLinking – the flag of activation of logging of binding local and external orders. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LogRequestAquiring – the flag of activation of logging of the accepting of requests for processing. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LogRequestAnswers – the flag of activation of logging of incoming Bridge responses. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LogTicksAdding – the flag of activation of logging of thrown quotes. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LogTicksAddingEx – the flag of activation of logging of incoming ticks and their original time (it can create a significant load on the server, can be used only for debugging purposes). If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LogTicksAddingOnTrade – the flag of activation of logging of prices thrown when processing requests. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
LogZeroSpreadSymbolsDbg – the flag of activation of debug logging of symbols with zero spread. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
MinVolume – minimum order volume in lots, which will be sent to the Bridge server. Orders with smaller volumes will not be processed by BridgeClient plugin.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 1.0 |
PostFactumProcessing – flag that activates the mode of sending requests (at the current price) after opening/closing orders. If 1 then mode is enabled. If activated, the plugin does not participate in the processing of requests, stops, pendings, stop-outs and ignores DetectDealerCloseByLogs setting, and after opening, activating or closing the orders of the server part, a request is made to open or close the order at the current price.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
ProcessStopsAsMarketClose – the flag of activation of processing of Sl/Tp as transfer of MK_OPEN requests (values of Sl/Tp do not transfer). If 1 then processing is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Example value: | 0 |
ProcessPendingsAsMarketOpen – the flag of activation of processing of pending orders as transfer of MK_OPEN requests on activation. If 1 then processing is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Example value: | 0 |
SendLoginForMonitoring – the flag of activation of sending the login to the Bridge for monitoring.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Example value: | 0 |
SendPriceOnModifyRequest – the flag of switching off the transferring Client's price on order modification (in this cases the price with value -1.#INF is sending). If 1 then transferring the price is disabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Example value: | 0 |
Slippage_Close_Control – the flag of activation of slippage control of quotes when order closes. If 1 then the control is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
Slippage_Close_MaxSlippage – maximum slippage when closing an order.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 3 |
Slippage_Close_MaxVolume – the maximum volume of the order for which acts slippage from Slippage_Close_MaxSlippage setting. If 0 then slippage is not allowed.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 5 |
Slippage_Open_Control – the flag of activation of slippage control of quotes when order opens. If 1 then the control is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
Slippage_Open_MaxSlippage – maximum slippage when opening an order.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 3 |
Slippage_Open_MaxVolume the maximum volume of the order for which acts slippage from Slippage_Open_MaxSlippage setting. If 0 then slippage is not allowed.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 5 |
Slippage_ZeroSpread_Control – the flag of activation of slippage control of quotes with zero spread. If 1 then the control is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 1 |
Slippage_ZeroSpread_MaxSlippage – maximum slippage when opening an order with zero spread.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 3 |
Slippage_ZeroSpread_MaxVolume – the maximum volume of the order with zero spread for which acts slippage from Slippage_ZeroSpread_MaxSlippage setting. If 0 then slippage is not allowed.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 5 |
SymbolPostfix – postfix added to the symbol name when sending the request to the bridge.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Example value: | _Y |
SymbolPrefix – prefix added to the symbol name when sending the request to the bridge.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Example value: | X_ |
TicksToSkipOnConfirmTickAdd – the number of ticks that must be skipped on tick that is thrown upon confirmation request. Maxumum value is 10.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 5 |
TrySetInstantRequestPrice – the flag of activation of the mode of price shifting in instant-request during request confirmation by server. If 1 then price shifting mode is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
VolumeCoeff – the coefficient of modifying of the volume of order transmitted to LP server. If the value of this setting is more than 0 then the original order volume will be multiplied on this value on LP's server.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Example value: | 1.5 |
- in settings of trading instruments the execution is manual only, no automation
- account from Dealer setting has the dealer rights
Settings of BridgeSrv:
AllowReceivingDestLogins – flag of activation of receiving a login for opening order in incoming order's request. If 0, receiving a login is turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
AutoprocessICR_SendPrices – flag of activation of sending current server's price during automatic processing of incorrect request for order close (AutoprocessInvalidCloseRequests setting). If 0, sending prices in such cases will be turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
AutoprocessInvalidCloseRequests –flag of activation automatic confirmation of closing orders by the current price, if the related orders are not found, closed or incorrect (invalid login, direction or symbol). If 0, the automatic confirmation in such cases will be turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
AutoprocessStopoutCloseRequests – flag of activation automatic processing of closing orders by the current price, if the related orders were closed by Stop out on server-side. If 0, the automatic processing in such cases will be turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
AutoprocessSoCR_SendPrices – flag of activation of sending a current server's price, if AutoprocessStopoutCloseRequests=1. If 0, the sending a current server's price in case of Stop out will be turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
AutoprocessStoppedCloseRequests – flag of activation automatic processing of closing orders by the current price, if the related orders were closed by SL/TP on server-side. If 0, the automatic processing in such cases will be turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
AutoprocessStCR_SendPrices – flag of activation of sending a current server's price, if AutoprocessStoppedCloseRequests=1. If 0, the sending a current server's price in case of SL/TP will be turned off.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Example value: | 1 |
BridgeLogin – trading login of the Bridge. This account will be used for client's coverage on liquidity provider's server. Client's trading orders will be opened on this account. If 0 then Bridge will not work.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 111222 (existing account on MT4 server) |
DiscardProcessedRequests – the flag of activation of rejecting of processed requests (should help in cases of processing problems with bridges from another LP if there are more than one bridge plugin on trading server). If 1 then the mode is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
EnableExtraChecks – the flag of activation of extra checks of incoming requests due to which requests can be automatically requoted or rejected. If 0 then extra checks are disabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
ExtraMarginRequirements – the amount by which the free margin will be adjusted when checking funds upon receipt of the request for opening.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 10000 |
Filter_Symbols – the filter of processing trading symbols. Plugin will process client's requests only with these trading symbols. It's allowed to set up mask of symbols for processing.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (will be processed requests with any trading symbols) |
Value example: | ,*_X, EURUSD, |
LoggingMode (JL) – the flag of activation of logging. If empty the logging is turned off. If J then log will be written into MT4 server log. If L then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeClient.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | J |
Example value: | JL |
Login – the login for connection between server plugin on LP's side and client's plugin of the Bridge. This value should be equal on BridgeClient (LiquidityProviderClientName setting) and BridgeSrv plugins. The value can contain digits and letters.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Value example: | TESTLOGIN123 |
LogIncommingRequests – the flag of activation of journaling of incoming client's requests. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeSrv.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
LogRequestsStatuses – the flag of activation of journaling of returning statuses of processing results. If 0 the logging is turned off. If 1 then log will be written into plugins\logs\BridgeSrv.log file.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
Password – the password for connection between server plugin on LP's side and client's plugin of the Bridge. This value should be equal on BridgeClient (LiquidityProviderPassword setting) and BridgeSrv plugins. The value can contain digits and letters.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Value example: | TESTPASS123 |
Port – the password for connection between server plugin on LP's side and client's plugin of the Bridge. This port should be opened on LP's server and Client's server.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 4444 |
Value example: | 445 |
ProcessAutomaticExecution – the flag of activation of automatic execution of client's requests. If 1 then automatic execution is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Value example: | 0 |
SymbolPostfix – postfix of symbols of client's requests which should be processed.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Value example: | _Y |
SymbolPrefix – prefix of symbols of client's requests which should be processed.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | (empty value) |
Value example: | X_ |
Used components:
BridgeClient plugin for MetaTrader 4, BridgeSrv plugin for MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows
Order includes:
Compiled plugins with configuration file without source codes.
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