Creation of White Label of MetaTrader 5 Mobile Terminal
ID 81
Category: Services - MetaTrader 5
Creation of White Label of MetaTrader 5 Mobile Terminal from LiteForex
Quite long time ago the currency profiteers, actively using smartphones and tablets developed for Android operating system, duly appreciated the advantages of the trading platforms geared towards this operating system. Meanwhile, the time passes by and the Forex trading applications created earlier tend to become obsolete. They are naturally replaced with the new, more progressive and functionally advanced trading terminals. And the MetaTrade 5 (MT5) is exactly the one of these «mobile» terminals for Android.
The Forex profiteer working with the MT5 mobile terminal has a good opportunity to carry out the currency transactions and operate his trading deposit from anywhere in the world – everywhere where there is the Internet connection. As for its properties and parameters, the MT5 for the mobile phone (for Android) completely conforms to the similar platforms developed for the personal computer. The currency profiteer has an opportunity to track quotes, implement the technical analysis processes, carry out all the necessary merchandise transactions and set the trading orders – actually, he can do everything allowed with any trivial computer. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the MT5 platform designed for Android is designed for working either on Forex or the securities markets.
The MT5 mobile application geared towards Android as well as all the previous versions of the similar platforms is distributed free of charge. The installation procedure of MT5 for Android is very simple and does not require significant time expenditure. Moreover, the system requirements for this mobile application are kept to the necessary minimum. It will be enough for the mobile device to have a touch-screen and run the Android operating system, the version of which is not lower than 2.1. Certainly, the mobile application can operate either with demo account or with real trading deposit.
The functional capabilities of MT5 platform developed for Android are completely similar to those, the profiteer has got used to while working on his ordinary personal computer. All the trading instruments, which have been operated by the profiteer using the platform for the personal computer, are also available for the similar mobile application. The quotes can be viewed either in the simplified mode or in the more detailed format. The graphical visualization, which is familiar to any Forex trader, also can be used without any restrictions. Forex merchandise transactions can be carried out due to the «straight from the chart» principle with the help of this mobile application.
The main or additional White Label mobile platform from LiteForex broker allows purchasing the general license for all MetaTrader 5 mobile platforms (for the devices on the base of iOS and Android OS). According to the policy of mobile platforms/stores owners prohibiting publication of program copies under the different names, the design of these trading platforms cannot be changed. The purchase of WhiteLabel license will allow any traders to connect to your trading servers with the help of smartphones and tablet computers.
The service is provided without the initial payment followed by a monthly fee of 900$ for the technical support.
When purchasing the MT5 mobile terminal from LiteForex, you receive an opportunity to allow your traders to trade on 3 MetaTrder 5 servers, including Demo-server, server with classical conditions and server with cent accounts.