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Products - MT4 Services
Products - MT4 Services


ID 54

Category: Products - MT4 Services


Release date: 2012-01-01

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

MetaTrader 4 utility for mass trading orders removal

200 USD

Product type:
Available for downloading

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Detailed description


Utility with graphic interface by use of which you can delete selected orders without having to use MetaTrader 4 Administrator. The utility saves your time when deleting orders and automatically recalculates trading balances after transactions are deleted.



Server – MT4 server IP address.

Login – MT4 manager's login.

Password – MT4 manager's password.

List of orders – list of orders separated by comma ',' and their ranges designated by the '-' symbol.

File – path to the file containing the list of orders (one line means one order).


Components used:

MetaTrader4 Server, CrashRpt, MT4 Manager API, OS Windows


After a purchase, you will receive:

A compiled utility without source code with operation documentation. The utility is also accompanied with MT4 Manager API and CrashRpt.

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