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Products - MT4 Services
Products - MT4 Services


ID 52

Category: Products - MT4 Services


Release date: 2012-01-01

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

Utility for MetaTrader 4 to restore accounts from archive


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Detailed description


Utility for MetaTrader 4 with a graphical interface through which you can easily restore trading accounts. Checking archive account is carried out on all available archives on the server with the trading history and the subsequent correction of the balance. The program has the ability to set filters for groups, as well as a range of accounts to recover.



Server Host – IP address of MT4 server

Manager Login – Manager login

Manager Password – Manager password

Blocked groups – the filter for groups where accounts would not be restored

Block if empty ID – do not restore accounts with empty ID

Do not restore if account group is not exist – check box

Archived accounts – the list of accounts separated by ',', and the range separated by '-'



MetaTrader 4 Server, CrashRpt.dll, MT4 Manager API, OS Windows


Order includes:

The utility is available in compiled form without the source code with the documentation for operation. Service includes MT4 Manager API and CrashRpt.dll library.

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