Updates history PeriodCreditReduceMgr
ID 40 :: Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-08-10 12:00:15
- Added CreditReduceMinDurationToLog setting, which allows to set the minimum duration (in ms) of the procedure for writing-off credits that did not lead to write-offs, which will be logged (if the setting is not specified, then logging will occur for a duration of at least 1 second, not always as before)
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-08-01 11:27:00
- CheckPureAssetsEx, CheckPureAssetsPercentWarning, and CheckPureAssetsPercentReduce settings are renamed to CheckPureAssetsByBalance, CheckPureAssetsByBalance%Warn, and CheckPureAssetsByBalance%Reduce respectively
- Added CheckPureAssetsByCredit, CheckPureAssetsByCredit%Warn, and CheckPureAssetsByCredit%Reduce settings, allowing you to manage the verification of net funds relative to the credit:
- PureAssets (Equity - Credit) <Credit * CheckPureAssetsByCredit% Reduce / 100 - credit write-off
- PureAssets (Equity - Credit) <Credit * CheckPureAssetsByCredit% Warn / 100 - sending a warning
- Added optional LogCheckMargin, LogCheckFloatingProfitLoss, LogCheckPureAssets, LogCheckPureAssetsByBalance, and LogCheckPureAssetsByCredit settings, allowing you to enable logging of the results of this or that scan upon successful write-off of the credit
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-06-02 11:16:27
- Added the Filter_Login and FilterSkip_Login settings that specify the enabling and excluding filters by account number
- Added the FilterSkip_UserColor setting that specifies an exclusion filter based on the color of the account
Added the optional setting CreditReducePeriodMins, which specifies the frequency of checking accounts in minutes (if the setting is a positive period, the setting of CreditReduceTime becomes optional)- Added CheckMargin setting, which activates processing only accounts with a positive margin
- Added the setting CheckFloatingProfitLoss, which activates processing only accounts with negative floatation (equity - balance - credit)
- Added the setting CheckPureAssets, which activates processing only accounts with negative net funds (equity - credit)
- Unconditional (without viewing the transaction history) writing off the entire loan on the filtered accounts if the following settings are specified: Filter_CreditInComment=!*, Filter_CreditIgnoredComment=!*, Filter_BalanceCorrectionComment=!*, CheckPeriodDays = 0
- PCRM_GET_SETTINGS command has been added with the missing settings
- The limit for one copy of the plugin on the server has been removed
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-05-04 15:29:17
- Fixed error checking the frequency of sending notifications
- Debug logging (setting DbgLogging) is now run in a separate file * .dbg.log
- Added debug logging processing, filtering, notification of accounts and writing off credit funds
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-03-20 11:23:20
- The CreditReducePeriodMins setting has been renamed to CreditReducePeriodSecs and now sets the value in seconds, not minutes
- Added the WarningMinRepeatPeriodSecs setting, specifying the interval in seconds, during which you do not need to re-send the notification (in case if any of the checks does not pass through the next iteration, the count is reset and the next time it is triggered, the notification will be sent)
- Standard substitution macros are implemented (#LOGIN#, #USERNAME#, #BALANCE#, #CREDIT#, #EQUITY#, #MARGIN#, #MARGIN_LEVEL#, #MARGIN_SHORT#, #MARGIN_CALL_LEVEL#, #SIGNATURE#) in Push Notifications (Not intended for substitution of non-English values)
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-03-14 11:21:22
- Added a setting that sets the filter for processing accounts by account status
- Added the setting CheckPureAssetsEx, which activates the processing of accounts that have passed additional checks for clean tools (see the settings CheckPureAssetsPercentWarning and CheckPureAssetsPercentReduce)
- Added the setting CheckPureAssetsPercentWarning, which sets the maximum percentage of net funds (equity - credit) to the balance at which the account will be processed, but an alert will be sent instead of writing off (see the Format_WarningTemplateIntMail and Format_WarningTemplatePush settings)
- Added the setting CheckPureAssetsPercentReduce, which sets the maximum percentage of net funds (equity - credit) to the balance at which the account will be processed
- The Format_WarningTemplateIntMail setting has been added that specifies the format of the notification template file name (see the setting of CheckPureAssetsPercentWarning) by internal mail (format: name%s, where the country of the account is substituted, and if the template is not found, then "default"; if the path is relative, the template is searched in MT templates folder)
- The Format_WarningTemplatePush setting has been added, which specifies the format of the notification template file name (see the setting of CheckPureAssetsPercentWarning) Push (format: name%s, where the country of the account is substituted, and if the template is not found, then "default", if the path is relative, the template is searched in the templates folder Server MT, the template must be in UTF8 encoding without BOM)
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-02-22 11:19:50
- In addition to the accounts specified by the LicenseMonitorRecieverLogins setting, mail notifications will be sent to active accounts from the "manager" group whose status or comment satisfies the "LIC_MAN2, LIC_MAN2|*, *|LIC_MAN2, *|LIC_MAN2|*" or "LIC_MAN3, LIC_MAN3|*, *|LIC_MAN3, *|LIC_MAN3|*", and Push notification is also sent if MQID is specified, but in the case of LIC_MAN3 only when the LicenseKey
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-08-10 11:16:27
- Added the Filter_Login and FilterSkip_Login settings that specify the enabling and excluding filters by account number
- Added the FilterSkip_UserColor setting that specifies an exclusion filter based on the color of the account
Added the optional setting CreditReducePeriodMins, which specifies the frequency of checking accounts in minutes (if the setting is a positive period, the setting of CreditReduceTime becomes optional)- Added CheckMargin setting, which activates processing only accounts with a positive margin
- Added the setting CheckFloatingProfitLoss, which activates processing only accounts with negative floatation (equity - balance - credit)
- Added the setting CheckPureAssets, which activates processing only accounts with negative net funds (equity - credit)
- Unconditional (without viewing the transaction history) writing off the entire loan on the filtered accounts if the following settings are specified: Filter_CreditInComment=!*, Filter_CreditIgnoredComment=!*, Filter_BalanceCorrectionComment=!*, CheckPeriodDays = 0
- PCRM_GET_SETTINGS command has been added with the missing settings
- The limit for one copy of the plugin on the server has been removed
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-01-13 15:25:16
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-01-13 15:25:16
- Code refactoring