ID 208
Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
Release date: 2016-11-24
Developer: ITTrendex, LLC
MetaTrader 4 plugin for the transferring of the credit funds to the balance during trading
The plugin is used to transfer part of the credit funds to the trading account balance during trading. You can specify which part of funds will flow from the credit to the balance by the trading symbol name or security name.
In plugin settings you can set the minimum order lifetime, as well as the minimum number of points between the opening price and closing price of the order after which transfer of funds will be carried out from the credit to the balance.
FilterSkip_CalcCoeff_Login – the list of logins separated by comma which should be excluded for coefficents calculation. If you need exclude lots of logins you can use additional settings as follows FilterSkip_CalcCoeff_Login, FilterSkip_CalcCoeff_Login1, FilterSkip_CalcCoeff_Login2, ..., FilterSkip_CalcCoeff_LoginN.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | |
Value example: | 12345 (account's number) |
FilterSkip_Color – excluding filter for the color of trading accounts. The plug-in will not process the trading accounts, the colors of which do not correspond to the setting. If the length of a value line is not enough in order to specify all the colors, you can add the following additional settings: FilterSkip_UserColor1, FilterSkip_UserColor2, ..., FilterSkip_UserColorN to set all the colors necessary for the filtration.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | FFFF00 |
FilterSkip_Login – filter for excluding by the login number of trading account. This setting allows excluding the trading accounts from the plugin processing. If you need to exclude several logins from the plug-in processing, the settings are set in the following way: FilterSkip_Login, FilterSkip_Login1, FilterSkip_Login2, ..., FilterSkip_LoginN.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | |
Value example: | 12345 (account's number) |
Filter_CalcCoeffGroups – the filter of applying of hedge and free margin coefficients by trading groups.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (all groups) |
Value example: | ,GROUP-AB,GROUP-C*,*USD*, |
Filter_Color – list of colors assigned to the accounts. The plugin will process accounts, the color of which corresponds to the setting.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | ,FF0000,3D3D3D, |
Filter_Country – the filter by country of trading account.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (any countries) |
Example value: | ,Russia,USA,Ukraine,RU, |
Filter_Group – filter for group of accounts. The plugin will process accounts, the group of which corresponds to the setting. If the "*" (without quotation-marks) is set, the plugin will process all the trading groups.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * |
Value example: | ,2P*,!GROUP-AB*,*USD*,*EUR*,*RUB*, |
Filter_Id – the filter by account ID.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (any ID) |
Example value: | ,1234,ID123,ID22*,!666, |
Filter_Login – the filter of trading accounts which will be processed by plugin (if it's needed to filter several accounts then settings should be configured like this: Filter_Login, Filter_Login1, Filter_Login2, ..., Filter_LoginN).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | 12345 (account's number) |
Filter_UseHedgeCoeffCountry – filter for country of trading accounts; the coefficient of hedge (the specific setting – the default value is recommended to be set) should be applied to its rebate.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (all groups) |
Value example: | ,GROUP-AB,GROUP-C*,*USD*, |
Filter_UsePFMarginCoeffCountry – filter for country of trading accounts; the coefficient of clear funds use (the specific setting – the default value is recommended to be set) should be applied to its rebate.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * |
Value example: | ,GROUP-AB,GROUP-C*,*USD*, |
Format_Comment_BalanceIn – comment for balance in operation.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | c2b xfer for #%d |
Value example: | credit in #%d |
Format_Comment_CreditOut – comment for credit out operation.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | c2b xfer for #%d |
Value example: | credit out for #%d |
LogCalculationDetails – flag of activation logging of calculation of remittances (in general, the data has a format like «L3.00 * Rx18.369428 * Rusd1.000000 * Cpfm0.667 * Ch0.667», where L - closed volume, Rx - volume conversion rate to money, Rusd - account currency conversion rate, Cpfm - PureFreeMargin coefficient, Ch - Hedge coefficient). If 1, logging is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
LogOnSuccess – flag of activation logging of successful transfers of funds. If 1, logging is enabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
MinOrderLifetimeSecs – minimum life time of order, when the transfer of credit funds is possible (in seconds). The transfer of credit funds will be processed in case of difference between the closing time and the opening time of an order is >= MinOrderLifetimeSecs. If it is 0, the difference between the closing time and the opening time of an order will not be considered.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 3 |
Value example: | 120 |
MinPipsPr – minimum profit in points by default, when the transfer of credit funds is possible (it has a lower priority than MinPipsPr_Ext_Sym_*). If MinPipsPr=5, the transfer of credit funds will be processed in case of difference between the opening price and the closing price of an order is more than 5 points.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 120 |
Value example: | 50 |
MinPipsPr_Ext_Sym_* – map of minimum profits in points on the symbol of an order, when the transfer of credit funds is possible (format: MinPipsPr_Ext_Sym_SYMBOL=MinimumProfit; has a higher priority than MinPipsPr). For example, if MinPipsPr_Ext_Sym_EURUSD=100, the transfer of credit funds will be processed in case of difference between the opening price and the closing price of an order on the symbol EURUSD is more than 100 points.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | setting is added manually |
Value example: | 100 |
XferRate_ – coefficients map of transferred funds from the credit to the balance by trading symbol or security. Setting example: XferRate_EURUSD=1.5 - coefficient is used in calculation of the amount to be translated by the formula: AMOUNT_TO_BE_TRANSFERRED=TRADING_ORDER_VOLUME * Coeff_XferRate. Thus at the order close with volume equal to 1 lot on EURUSD will be translated 1 * 1.5 = 1.5 units in the base currency of the trading account from the credit to the balance.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | (setting should be added manually) |
Value example: | 1.7 |
Used components:
MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows
After purchase you will receive:
Compiled plugin with configuration file without source codes
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