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Products - MT4 Plugins


ID 15

Category: Products - MT4 Plugins


Release date: 2012-01-01

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

MetaTrader 4 plugin for write-off the expired credit bonus funds

400 USD

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Detailed description


In bonus promos sometimes needed to credit a bonus for a specified period and its subsequent automatic cancellation. There are settings by credit operations comments or by trading account group.

In the plugin there is an option of writing off bonus commentary, a date after which the accrued bonuses will be checked, as well as the lifetime of the credit.



CheckEquityOnCreditOut – the flag of checking the account equity during the write-off of credit funds. If 1, then Equity checking is enabled: in case of the Equity < = 0 plugin does not write-off the credit. If 0, Equity accounts does not affect the process of write-off of credit funds.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Example value: 1

CreditLifetimeDays – number of days after which to write off credits.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Example value: 180

DateStart – date, credits accrued after that will be scanned and processed (format is:

Data type: date
Default value:  
Example value: 22.01.2013

FilterCreditComment – the filter of credit operation comments allowed for processing.

Data type: string
Default value: for AutoCreditOut processing
Example value: ,bonus_50*,!credit_for_test,credit_for_*,

FilterGroup – the filter of groups allowed for processing.

Data type: string
Default value: AutoCreditOutGroup
Example value: ,!GROUP-AB*,*USD*,*EUR*,

FormatCreditInNewComment – format of a new comment credit accrual operations after its processing and the operation of the credit write-off. If the client previously received a credit funds (A), and plugin made a write-off of the credit (B), the FormatCreditInNewComment setting indicates a comment that will be assigned to the operation (A) after write-off (B).
For example: earlier client was accrued loan with the comment "bonus_50" (step A), and plugin write-offs existing credit funds after a while (step B), then the comment of operation (A) takes the form "bonus_50-auto out by NUMBER_OPERATION_B."

Data type: string
Default value: %s-auto out by %d
Example value: %s-auto credit out by %d

FormatCreditOutComment – format of commentary of credit reducing. Write-offs of credit operations with the comment in the settings will be taken into account when calculating a sum of write-offs the credit.

Data type: string
Default value: AutoCreditOut for %d (instead of %d it will be replaced by the number of credit transaction for which it written off)
Example value: CreditOut for %d


Used components:

MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows


Order includes:

Compiled plugin with configuration file without source codes

If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
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