Updates history VirtualDealerEx
ID 109 :: Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2018-01-18 10:02:36
- In case the processing of pending orders or Stops are postponed for further processing at the worst price (DelaySecs_Pending*, DelaySecs_Sl*, DelaySecs_Tp* and UseWorstDelayPriceOnStops, UseWorstDelayPriceOnPending), its processing now occurs even if the MT has stopped responding to the corresponding event
- Code refactoring
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-11-27 16:57:12
Code refactoring
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-11-19 09:48:03
- Fixed error of getting the worst price (UseWorstDelayPriceOnStops and UseWorstDelayPriceOnPending settings) with disabled control of gaps (Gap_LevelSpreads = 0)
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-11-15 16:08:58
- Fixed error of getting the worst price on stops (setting UseWorstDelayPriceOnStops).
- Code refactoring
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-11-02 18:03:09
- Added DelaySecs_SlNoGap and DelaySecs_TpNoGap settings, allowing you to set the processing delay sl / tp without gap
- Added DelaySecs_SlGapNonSlidable and DelaySecs_TpGapNonSlidable settings, which allow you to set the processing delay sl / tp when slippage prohibited
- Added DelaySecs_PendingNoGap setting, which allows you to set the delay processing of pending orders without gap
- Added DelaySecs_PendingGapSafe setting, which allows you to specify the delay processing of pending orders with a safe gap
- Added DelaySecs_PendingGap setting, which allows you to specify the delay processing of pending orders with a gap
- Added UseWorstDelayPriceOnStops setting, which activates the mode of using the worst price for processing sl / tp while delays
- Added UseWorstDelayPriceOnPending setting, which activates the mode of using the worst price for delayed processing of pending orders
- Code refactoring
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-10-11 12:55:35
Code refactoring
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-08-21 14:34:44
- Work of Gap_PendingsSlideMode setting has been changed, the following values may be keyed in (separated by a comma):
- «s-p» – profitable slippage of Stop-orders
- «s-l» – unprofitable slippage of Stop-orders
- «s» – slippage of all Stop-orders
- «l-p» – profitable slippage of Limit-orders
- «l-l» – unprofitable slippage of Limit-orders
- «l» – profitable slippage of Limit-orders
- Work of Gap_StopsSlideMode setting has been changed, the following values may be keyed in (separated by a comma):
- «sl-p» – profitable slippage of StopLoss-orders
- «sl-l» – unprofitable slippage of StopLoss-orders
- «sl» – slippage of all StopLoss-orders
- «tp-p» – profitable slippage of TakeProfit-orders
- «tp-l» – unprofitable slippage of TakeProfit-orders
- «tp» – slippage of all TakeProfit-orders
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-08-07 19:17:23
- Added DelaySecs_SlGapSafe, DelaySecs_TpGapSafe, DelaySecs_SlGapSlide and DelaySecs_TpGapSlide settings, which allow to block sl/tp processing with safe gap and slip respectively (see below for details)
- Added logging of information that the disable gap is primary (on the first tick), and also about resetting the gaps when the plugin is reinitialized
- Code refactoring
The sl/tp processing is blocked if the delay is set to a value greater than zero and one of the following conditions is true:
- This is the first sl/tp operation for the order, or the counter has been reset (if sl/tp is disabled during the active gap within Gap_StopsTickCounter or due to a price error);
- Since the first blocking of the sl/tp processing, it has passed less than the configured seconds;
- Since the last actuation of sl/tp, more than 10 seconds have passed.
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-06-01 13:59:27
- The behavior of the DelaySecs, DelaySecsBySymbol_* and DelaySecsByLogin_* settings has been changed: the values can be set in the range [-1; 10], while -1 means deactivation processing, and 0 - zero delay (setting NoDelayRandomDownshifting is ignored)
- To improve the readability of the setting, NoDelayRandDownshifting is renamed NoDelayRandomDownshifting
VirtualDealerEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-05-05 08:36:51
Code refactoring