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Products - MT4 Plugins


ID 107

Category: Products - MT4 Plugins


Release date: 2014-09-11

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

The plugin apprising the managers of client`s low margin level by MetaTrader 4 terminal mail

350 USD

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Detailed description


The plugin is designed to apprise the managers of the low margin level. The plugin features the following advantages:

  1. The client`s margin level can be calculated either with due account for the loan proceeds or without it depending on the plugin settings.
  2. It is not necessary to have access to the MTM Management interface in order to receive the notifications of the client`s low margin level by terminal mail. You just need to log in to any terminal using your MetaTrader 4 account.

This plugin will allow to provide the information on the state of client`s account quickly even to those managers whose access should have been limited to the specific contact information on the client, without the full access to the account data. For example, this approach can be applied for a certain group of partners or regional managers.

Thus your managers will be able to contact the client and recommend making an additional deposit in order to improve the margin level and prevent the Margin Call or they will be able to offer the client to fix the operating loss in order to avoid further losses.



Filter_Group – filter for trade groups which will be processed with the plugin. If the trading account is in the group specified in this setting, the plugin will process it, otherwise – it will be omitted.

Data type: string
Default value: !* (all groups are prohibited)
Value example: ,GROUP-AB,PIPS-USD*,

Filter_Country – filter for country of trading account. The plugin will process only the accounts with the country corresponding to this setting.

Data type: string
Default value: * (all countries)
Value example: ,Russia,USA,Ukraine,RU,

Filter_Login – trading accounts filter (if you need to add several logins in order to have them processed with the plugin, the following settings should be used: Filter_Login, Filter_Login1, Filter_Login2, ..., Filter_LoginN).

Data type: numeric
Default value:  
Value example: 12345 (trading account's number)

FilterSkip_Login – filter for trading accounts which will not be processed with the plugin (if you need to exclude several logins from the plugin processing, the following settings should be used: FilterSkip_Login, FilterSkip_Login1, FilterSkip_Login2, ..., FilterSkip_LoginN).

Data type: numeric
Default value:  
Value example: 12345 (trading account's number)

UseCredit – flag enabling or disabling the use of loan proceeds when calculating the margin level. If it is 1, the loan will be used to calculate the Margin Level; if it is 0, the loan will not be considered.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 1
Value example: 0

MarginCallLevel – margin level in percentage terms. The low Margin Level notification will be sent to the MailRecieverLogins accounts with the lower margin level.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 50.0
Value example: 35.0

CheckPeriodSecs – margin level check-out period in seconds. If the CheckPeriodSecs is equal to 180, the plugin will check the margin level of accounts for its falling below the MarginCallLevel every 3 minutes.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 300
Value example: 180

MarginCallStateResetSecs – time after the Margin Call identification; during this time the notifications in seconds will not have been sent to the account. For example, if the MarginCallStateResetSecs is equal to 3600, the renewed notifications will not have been sent to the account during an hour after the notification of low margin level. This will allow adjusting the frequency of notifications concerning the same account if the margin level often falls below the MarginCallLevel.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 300
Value example: 240

Mail_Sender – login of the letter sender. If it is 0, the plugin will not send any notifications.

This setting has to be setup obligatory. By default you can set value = 1.
Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 111 (manager-sender' s login)

Mail_From – address of the letter sender

Data type: string
Default value: MarginCallEx Manager
Value example: Margin Level

Mail_RecieverLogins – filter for accounts which will receive the notifications of low margin level on client`s trading account (if you need to add several receivers of notifications, the following settings should be used: Mail_RecieverLogins, Mail_RecieverLogins1, Mail_RecieverLogins2, ..., Mail_RecieverLoginsN).

This setting has to be setup obligatory. By default you can set value = 1.
Data type: string
Default value:  
Value example: 12345 (account number of the recipient notifications)

Mail_Subject – subject of the letter

Data type: string
Default value: MarginCallEx
Value example: Low Margin Level Notification

Mail_Template – the path to the template letter to be sent automatically if the ratio of the difference between the balance and profit of closed order to an available credit exceeds value of MaxDebtPercent. A Terminal mail template should be in the templates folder of the trading server. If left empty, the terminal mail will not be sent to the trading account after zeroing.

Data type: string
Default value:  
Value example: BZ_ZeroingMail.tpl

NotifyTraderViaExternalMail – flag enabling or disabling the sending of Email notifications regarding Low Margin Level to the traders. If 1 then trader will receive Email notifications.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

NotifyTraderViaInternalMail – flag enabling or disabling the sending of Terminal mails regarding Low Margin Level to the traders. If 1 then trader will will receive notifications to terminal's mail.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

NotifyTraderViaPushNotification – flag enabling or disabling the sending of push-notifications regarding Low Margin Level to the traders. If 1 then trader will will receive push-notifications to mobile terminal.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

SendUserInfo_Email – flag enabling or disabling the sending of the trading account Email address in the terminal letter. If it is 1, the terminal letter will include the information on Email address noted in the trading account with the low margin level.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 1
Value example: 0

SendUserInfo_Phone – flag enabling or disabling the sending of the trading account telephone number in the terminal letter. If it is 1, the terminal letter will include the information on telephone number noted in the trading account with the low margin level.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 1
Value example: 0

SendUserInfo_Address – flag enabling or disabling the sending of the trading account address data in the terminal letter. If it is 1, the terminal letter will include the information on address data noted in the trading account with the low margin level.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 1
Value example: 0

SendUserInfo_PhonePassword – flag enabling or disabling the sending of the trading account telephone password in the terminal letter. If it is 1, the terminal letter will include the information on telephone password noted in the trading account with the low margin level.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1


Used components:

MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows


After a purchase, you will receive:

A compiled plugin without source code with a configuration file

If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
Free period 2 weeks without limits in functionality and other limits. For the demo you need to pass the registration!

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