Products - MT5 Plugins


ID 96

Category: Products - MT5 Plugins


Release date: 2012-12-01

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

Advanced data export from the MetaTrader 5 trading server into MySQL database

300 USD

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Detailed description


Export information about the trading accounts, transactions, open and closed orders, as well as positions from the MetaTrader 5 trading server.

The information is exported to files which are verified by DataPosterSvc service and sent into the MySQL database. This combination of service and plugin allows you to significantly reduce the load on the server when synchronizing data.

Plugin provides real-time data synchronization of trading data into MySQL.



ExportDir – the path of exported files with trading data

ExpAccountsOnUserEvents – the plugin activation flag of export account data on account events

ExpAccountsOnDealEvents – the plugin activation flag of export account data on trading deals events

ExpAccountsOnPositionEvents – the plugin activation flag of export account data on trading position events

ExpAccountsOnOrderOpenEvents – the plugin activation flag of export account data on trading order open events

ExpAccountsOnOrderClosedEvents – the plugin activation flag of export account data on trading order close events

ExpAccountsOnTimerPeriod – the interval of export account data in seconds

LogExpData – the activation flag of logging exported data



MetaTrader 5 Server, DataPosterSvc service, OS Windows


Order includes:

Compiled plugin with configuration file without source codes and DataPosterSvc service

If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
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