Products - MT4 Plugins


ID 46

Category: Products - MT4 Plugins


Release date: 2012-01-01

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

The closing of stop-out in the separate stream, the processing of credit stop-outs on the MetaTrader 4 trading server

550 USD

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Detailed description


The plugin reduces the load on the server when processing the Stop Outs, including the credit stop-outs due to their processing in a separate stream of server process.

In case of the credit stop-out, the plugin allows avoiding the speculation in trade due to the Equity consisting of the pure credit money.

The usual stop-out is set in the settings of trade groups.

The example of the usual stop-out:
There are 2000$ on the balance of trading account. The trader opens a transaction on EURUSD with the volume of 100000$ and the 1:500 leverage. In this case the pawn for the exposed position is 200$.
Provided that there are no other open transactions and the stop-out level is 20%, the transaction on EUR/USD will be closed at the stop-out when running to the loss in an amount equal to 1960$.
In other words, when the amount of your cleared funds will reach 40$(=2000$-1960$), the transaction will be closed.

The credit stop-out occurs if the following two conditions are fulfilled:

1. The account funds (Equity) are more than zero and

2. The funds are less or equal to the Margin of account (if Credit > Margin)
Equity is less or equal to the Credit (if Credit <= Margin)

Also the credit stop-out can occur in the following case:

(Equity - Credit) < Percent_From_margin * Margin

To detect the stop-outs by this formula you need to set settings below:

  • CSoMarginPercent - set necessary percent from margin value, by default its equal 100%;
  • CSoIgnoreCredit=1;
  • CSoIgnoreMargin=0;
  • CSoCheckPureAssets=1



Filter_SoGroup – filter for account groups where the stop-outs should be processed with the plugin. The plugin will process the stop-outs only of those accounts, the group of which corresponds to the setting value.

Data type: string
Default value: ,*, (all groups)
Value example: ,2P*,!GROUP-AB*,*USD*,*EUR*,*RUB*,

Filter_CSoGroup – filter for account groups where the credit stop-outs should be processed with the plugin. The plugin will process the credit stop-outs only of those accounts, the group of which corresponds to the setting value.

Data type: string
Default value: CRED-SO-* (only groups starting with "CRED-SO-" without quotation)
Value example: ,2P*,!GROUP-AB*,*USD*,*EUR*,*RUB*,

Filter_SoCountry – filter for account countries where the usual stop-outs should be processed with the plugin. The plugin will process the usual stop-outs only of those accounts, the country of which corresponds to the setting value.

Data type: string
Default value: * (all countries)
Value example: ,RU,BR,Ukraine,

Filter_CSoCountry – filter for account countries where the credit stop-outs should be processed with the plugin. The plugin will process the credit stop-outs only of those accounts, the country of which corresponds to the setting value.

Data type: строковый
Default value: * (all countries)
Value example: ,RU,BR,Ukraine,

Filter_CSoUserColor – list of account colors where the credit stop-outs should be processed with the plugin (if the list is empty, the credit stop-outs of all accounts are processes; format: bbggrr,bbggrr,bbggrr). The colors are set in hexadecimal format comma separated. The plugin will process the credit stop-outs only of those accounts, the colors of which correspond to the setting value. If you need all the colors to be processed, leave this setting value blank.

Data type: string
Default value: 00ABCDEF
Value example: ,AA0000,FF0000,3DA33D,

FilterSkip_CSoUserColor – list of account colors which should be excluded from processing.

Data type: string
Default value: (empty value)
Value example: ,AA0000,FF0000,3DA33D,

Filter_CSoLogin – list of account numbers which should be processed by plugin. If account is not listed, then plugin will skip it automatically.

Data type: string
Default value: (empty value)
Value example: 434234,6666453

FilterSkip_CSoLogin – list of account numbers which should be excluded from processing.

Data type: string
Default value: (empty value)
Value example: 1,666544

CSoCheckPeriod (sec) – start cycle of credit stop-outs checking procedure in seconds. The minimum allowed value is 1 second.

Тип данных: numeric
Default value: 300
Value example: 180

CSoCheckMinDurationToLog (msec) – minimum duration of credit stop-outs checking procedure which should be logged. If the time spent on the credit stop-outs checking procedure in seconds exceeds this value, the plugin will record the information about it to the StopoutsEx.log log-file to the logs subdirectory of trading platform plugin directory. The record will contain the information on the quantity of processed stop-outs with the quantity of accounts and stop-outs and the time spent on the process.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 180

CSoEnableCreditFiltration – flag for activation of credit stop-outs search mode with the exception of credit operations on the comments filter, which is set with the Filter_CSoCreditIgnoredComment setting, until finding the balance operation with the comment corresponding to the filter which is set with the Filter_CSoBalanceCorrectComment setting. If it is 1, the search mode is enabled. If it is 0, the search mode is disabled.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

Filter_CSoCreditIgnoredComment – filter for comments on the credit operations; it excludes the credit operation from calculation in order to check the credit stop-out. The plugin takes off the sum of excluded credit operations from the existing credit on the format of the setting comment. The plugin checks the trading history in chronological order searching for the credit operations which match the format of comments in the setting until it finds the balance operation with the comment from the Filter_CSoBalanceCorrectComment setting.

Data type: string
Default value: !* (credit operations are not excluded by comment)
Value example: ,CREDIT-AWARD,BONUS-24*,

Filter_CSoBalanceCorrectComment – filter for comments on the balance operations; when they are found due to the comment of this setting, the plugin stops searching for the ignored credit operations due to the Filter_CSoCreditIgnoredComment setting. This is done in order to give flexibility to the calculation of credit which takes part in the calculations of credit stop-out since some credit operations can be omitted during these calculations under the rules of crediting.

Data type: string
Default value: !* (balance operations are not considered by comment)

Filter_Symbols – filter for symbols of order closed in case of usual or credit stop-out. The plugin will close only those positions due to the stop-out, the symbol of which corresponds to the setting value.

Data type: string
Default value: ,*, (all symbols)
Value example: ,EURUSD,!USD*,

Max Volume – maximum volume of orders closed in case of usual or credit stop-out. If it is 0, any volumes of orders will be processed.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0.0
Value example: 200.0

CSoCreditPercent – percent from credit funds considered during the credit stop-outs checking. If it is 0, the stop-outs checking will be conducted on the margin.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 100.0
Value example: 120.0

CSoCreditPercent:UsClr:BBGGRR – correspondence map of the interest rate considered during the credit stop-outs checking to the account color. The setting is added manually as CSoCreditPercent:UsClr:FF0000 and is used for those accounts, the color of which corresponds to the last setting segment (BBGGRR) in hexadecimal format. If the account color does not corresponds to any of CSoCreditPercent:UsClr:BBGGRR settings, the interest rate used for calculations is taken from the CSoCreditPercent setting.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0.0 (Setting is added manually)
Value example: 140.0

CSoMarginPercent – percent from margin considered during the credit stop-outs checking.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 100.0
Value example: 120.0

CSoUseShortComment – flag enabling the use of a brief comment when completing transaction. If it is 1, the comment format of automatically closing transaction can be set in the Format_CSoShortComment setting.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

Format_CSoShortComment – comment format of automatically closing transaction at the stop-out. The following parameters will be set to the comment: equity, margin, credit.

Data type: string
Default value: cso: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f [cso] (order of parameters: equity, margin, credit)
Value example: AutoClose: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f

ConfirmClosingByDealer – flag that activates the closure of trading orders by dealer's confirmation. If 1, the mode is activated and trading orders will be closed by requests. If 0, the mode is turned off.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoEquityWarningPercent – alarming equity level as the percentage of settlement credit. If the equity value becomes less than the predetermined setting value percentagewise to the credit, the notification of the approach to the credit stop-out will be sent to the client`s terminal mail. This setting is intended for preliminary notification of the client before the onset of credit stop-out. The minimum value is 100% - when the equity is equal to the credit.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 100.0
Value example: 150.0

CSoEquityWarningResetSec – interval in seconds for re-notification of the approach to the credit stop-out after crossing the mark of equity according to the CSoEquityWarningPercent setting.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 300
Value example: 360

CSoEquityWarningIntMailSender – login of letter sender informing about the approach to the credit stop-out on the client`s trading accounts. If it is 0, the terminal letter will not be sent to the client`s account.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 111 (manager-sender' s login)

CSoEquityWarningIntMailFrom – address of letter sender.

Data type: string
Default value: Credit stopout manager
Value example: Credit StopOut

CSoEquityWarningMailSubject – subject of letter. The letter will contain the information on the current credit, assets and margin at the time of terminal letter formation and the equity value at which the credit stop-out will happen.

Data type: string
Default value: Credit stopout warning
Value example: Credit StopOut Notification Letter

CSoEquityWarningViaExtMail – flag enabling or disabling the sending of Email notifications regarding credit stop-out to the traders. If 1 then trader will receive Email notifications.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoEquityWarningViaIntMail – flag enabling or disabling the sending of Terminal mails regarding credit stop-out to the traders. If 1 then trader will will receive notifications to terminal's mail.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoEquityWarningViaPushNotify – flag enabling or disabling the sending of push-notifications regarding credit stop-out to the traders. If 1 then trader will will receive push-notifications to mobile terminal.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoCheckPureAssets – the flag of activation detection stop-outs by the "Real equity" which is calculated as the difference between equity and calculated credit funds. If 1, for calculation will be used following assets (Equity - Credit * CSoCreditPercent). So the calculation of credit stop-out will be performed by formula: (Equity - Credit * CSoCreditPercent) < CSoMarginPercent * Margin

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoIgnoreCredit – flag for excluding the credit use during the credit stop-out checking. If it is 1, the credit stop-out checking is used only due to the margin (the following condition is checked: EQUITY < MARGIN * CSoMarginPercent). If CSoIgnoreMargin=1, then CSoIgnoreMargin setting has a higher priority, and margins will be ignored and but the credit funds don't.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoIgnoreMargin – flag for excluding the margin use during the credit stop-out checking. If it is 1, the credit stop-out checking is used only due to the credit (the following condition is checked: EQUITY < CREDIT * PERCENT_OF_CREDIT_STOPOUT). If it is 0, the credit stop-out is checked due to the following condition: EQUITY < MIN (CREDIT, MARGIN) * PERCENT_OF_CREDIT_STOPOUT.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

CSoSetReadOnly – flag for switching a trading account on "Read-Only" mode in case of credit stop-out occurred. If 1, trading account will be set in "read only" after closing positions.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

SoWriteDetailsToComment – the flag of activation post of a comment of closed orders due to stop out with details in the format "[so]: margin level%/equity/margin". If 1, the comment's format will be applied.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1


Used components:

MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows


After a purchase, you will receive:

Compiled plugin with configuration file without source codes

If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
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