Products - MT4 Plugins


ID 37

Category: Products - MT4 Plugins


Release date: 2012-01-01

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

MT4 plug-in for exporting terminal mail to MySQL

470 USD

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Detailed description


The plug-in exports the mail sent to the MT4 client terminal. It functions jointly with the service DataPosterSvc which records the information exported by the plug-in into the database.

The mail is stored in the MySQL database and may be displayed in the Client’s Profile later on. This is an additional mode of providing the client with the data on his terminal mail.



ExportDir – export directory

MailSubjectFilter – filters exported mail by subject

LogExpData – activates logging the exported data

MaxMailsAllowedUnique – the maximum number of mails containing macros in group mailing to be exported

MaxMailsAllowedNonUnique – the maximum number of mails not containing macros in group mailing to be exported


Components used:

DataPosterSvc, MetaTrader4 Server, OS Windows


You receive:

A compiled plug-in without source code with a configuration file and the DataPosterSvc service

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