Products - MT4 Plugins


ID 206

Category: Products - MT4 Plugins


Release date: 2016-11-24

Developer: ITTrendex, LLC

MetaTrader 4 plugin for everyday writing off commissions for open trading orders

1500 USD

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Detailed description


The plugin can be used to write off the fee for account maintenance. The commission will be charged every day at a specified time for an open orders.

In the plugin settings you can set the size of the commission and the currency to be debited from the accounts from certain countries, trading groups or colors.

Maps CommissionB_ * and CommissionS_ * can be specified in the file DailyCommission.commissions.ini

The order of the search commission rates:
1. plugin's settings for the symbol name;
2. plugin's settings for the symbol security name;
3. settings from DailyCommission.commissions.ini for the symbol name;
4. settings from DailyCommission.commissions.ini for the symbol security name;

If plugin was reloaded within 30 minutes after the commission write-off time, then performed "delayed" write-off.



CommissionB_ – fee amount per lot for BUY opened orders by the symbol name or security name. Setting example: CommissionB_EURUSD=3.77 - means that trader's account will be written-off on amount 3.77 per lot in currency from CommissionCurrency setting value at the time from CommissionTime setting value for opened orders in BUY direction.

Data type: numeric
Default value: (setting should be added manually)
Value example: 3.77

CommissionComment – comment of commission write-off operation.

Data type: string
Default value: daily commission
Value example: commission write-off

CommissionCurrency – currency of commission write-off operation.

Data type: string
Default value: daily commission
Value example: commission write-off

CommissionS_ – fee amount per lot for SELL opened orders by the symbol name or security name. Setting example: CommissionB_EURUSD=3.45 - means that trader's account will be written-off on amount 3.45 per lot in currency from CommissionCurrency setting value at the time from CommissionTime setting value for opened orders in SELL direction.

Data type: numeric
Default value: (setting should be added manually)
Value example: 3.45

CommissionTime – time of commission write-off. Format: 00:00:00

Data type: string
Default value: 00:00:00
Example value: 23:59:59

CommissionWeekDays – days of the week for which you want to write off the commission and which you need to consider when charging a commission in the UpdateOrdersCommission mode (the MinOrderLifetimeDays setting counts the days from the moment the order was opened regardless of the CommissionWeekDays setting). It accepts vaules from 1 to 7 separated by comma where 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday etc.

Data type: string
Default value: 1,2,3,4,5
Example value: 1,2,3

Dbg_LogUserDetails – flag for activation of additional server log. If 1, plugin will write processing results to server log.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1

Filter_Color – the filter by account's color which will be processed by plugin. If empty then this setting will not be used for filtering by account color. According to other settings, accounts with specified colors will be processed. The color should be set in HEX format like RRGGBB.

Data type: string
Default value: (empty value)
Example value: ,FF0000,A3A3A3,0000FF,

Filter_Country – the filter by country of trading account.

Data type: string
Default value: * (any countries)
Example value: ,Russia,USA,Ukraine,RU,

Filter_Id – the filter by account ID.

Data type: string
Default value: * (any ID)
Example value: ,1234,ID123,ID22*,!666,

Filter_Group – the filter of trading groups which will be processed by plugin. If the trading account is in the group specified in this setting, the plugin will process it, otherwise - will skip.

Data type: string
Default value: *
Value example: ,GROUP-AB,PIPS-USD*,

Filter_Login – the filter of trading accounts which will be processed by plugin (if it's needed to filter several accounts then settings should be configured like this: Filter_Login, Filter_Login1, Filter_Login2, ..., Filter_LoginN).

Data type: string
Default value:  
Value example: 12345 (account's number)

FilterSkip_Color – the filter by account's color which will be skipped from processing by plugin. If empty then this setting will not be used for filtering by account color. According to other settings, accounts with specified colors will be skipped from processing. The color should be set in HEX format like RRGGBB.

Data type: string
Default value: (empty value)
Example value: ,FF0000,A3A3A3,0000FF,

FilterSkip_Login – the filter of trading accounts which will be skipped by plugin (if it's needed to exclude several accounts then settings should be configured like this: FilterSkip_Login, FilterSkip_Login1, FilterSkip_Login2, ..., FilterSkip_LoginN).

Data type: string
Default value:  
Value example: 12345 (account's number)

MinOrderLifetimeDays – the minimum number of days from the opening of the order to the commencement of charging commissions.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 5

UpdateOrdersCommission – the flag for activation the recording of commissions in the corresponding field of the order (the commission is recalculated every time taking into account the current settings and the conversion rate for the number of full days from the moment of order's opening according to MinOrderLifetimeDays setting). If 1, then flag is enabled.

Data type: numeric
Default value: 0
Value example: 1


Used components:

MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows


After a purchase, you will receive:

Compiled plugin with configuration file without source codes.

If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
Free period 2 weeks without limits in functionality and other limits. For the demo you need to pass the registration!

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